Who is responsible for the processing of your data? BH BIENESTAR

INDATCO 2016 S.L. CIF: B66711979

C/ Balmes, 209 2º 2º, 08006, Barcelona.

Data Protection Delegate:

What are the main purposes of the processing of your data? 1.- Execution of the contract

The personal data will be processed for the purpose of the correct maintenance, development and execution of the contract and/or provision of the requested service, care provision and administrative tasks derived from said provision.

Including contacts for treatment follow-up, reminders, changes of appointments, revisions, appearance in the visit follow-up systems within the clinic.

What is the legal basis for the processing your data? The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the performance of the contract and the fulfilment of a legal obligation in the case of the custody of medical records.

The legal basis for processing for advertising purposes is consent, if you have ticked the relevant box.

How long will we keep your data? The period of time during which personal data will be kept for the execution of a contractual relationship will generally meet the criteria of continuity in the relationship for the provision of the service and even after the termination, during the periods provided for by state health legislation (5) years from the date of discharge from each care process, commercial legislation (6) and tax legislation (5) regarding the period for determining responsibilities and for the period for determining possible liabilities associated with said finality and processing.

Who may be the recipients of the communication of data?

For the correct management and maintenance of the relationship, certain patient data may be disclosed to organisations or persons directly related to the data controller, to insurance companies, health institutions for the payment of the health care provided, to third parties in the exercise of the right to defence and to relatives and persons related to the patient.

Likewise, by legal imperative, the data may be communicated to Courts and Tribunals upon request and to the State Security Forces and Corps.

Your personal data may be accessed and processed by entities in charge of the processing that provide a service to the data controller for the correct provision of the service, including, but not limited to, by psychologists or psychiatrists and sexologists with whom we collaborate.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data? Access/rectification and deletion: the right to access your personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request its deletion when, among other reasons, when the data is no longer necessary for the execution of the contract. In relation to rectification, if the rectification concerns health data, it is up to the health professional whether or not the data should be rectified. In relation to the right of erasure, this may be limited because there is an obligation to maintain the medical record due to compliance with a legal obligation.

Limitation: in certain circumstances, data subjects may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defence of claims.

Opposition: the right to oppose the processing of their data. INDATCO 2016 S.L. shall cease to process the data, except for legitimate, compelling reasons, or for the exercise or defence of possible claims, and we shall keep them duly blocked for the corresponding period of time for as long as they persist.

Opposition to the sending of advertising and processing of their data for direct marketing purposes and their right not to receive commercial communications by electronic means or equivalent means of communication.  Interested parties may oppose the processing of their data for such purposes. Their data will be included in an advertising exclusion list, the purpose of which is to reduce the advertising they receive. Likewise, the data subject has the right to withdraw the consent given at any time.

Portability: data subjects may request to receive the data concerning them that they have provided to us or request that we send it to another data controller of their choice, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.

To exercise your rights, please inform us in writing, indicating your name and surname, address and a copy of your ID card if you have reasonable doubts about your identity, at the above address or by e-mail to with the subject line ‘exercise of data protection rights’. We inform you of your right to lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency when the exercise of your rights has not been made effective.


Additional information

Updating of Data:

You undertake and undertake to immediately communicate any modification of your data so that the information held by INDATCO 2016 S.L. is at all times up to date and does not contain errors.